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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

GC2012- Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Today's general session began with opening and stage setting addresses from the Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefforts Schori and Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies (HOD.)  Each spoke with passion and conviction about the future and vision of The (international) Church.

Bishop Katharine emphasized the continuing work toward unity and reconciliation within our international church given the  ethnicity, theological diversity, and the reality of voices unheard and unaddressed. Bishop Katharine also urged each person to find someone with whom they disagree or have wounded to engage in learning about that person while seeking forgiveness and reconciliation. She closed with a prayer by Sir Francis Drake, which he prayed before setting out to explore the New World- quite profound and intentional for blessings as they set forth into the unknown and a new future. It is a good thing to let go with faith and venture beyond the sight of land into something new and different--do not distrust the Lord.

Bonnie Anderson, retiring President of the HOD, reminded us of the significance of July 4th, Independence Day, and the fact that we have yet to reach the ideals of the Declaration of Independence as set forth by the founding fathers of our country. The ideals set forth are not only for individuals but are also applicable to us as we strive to be united as people of God in God's Church.

It is time for the church to take decisive actions on issues of justice and peace  Please find a copy of the Declaration of Independence and reflect on where we are in relationship to those ideals, individuals and shared governance.

The Rev. Bob Taliaferro (and Jesus)
May the peace of the Lord be always with you-

The Rev. Bob Taliaferro
St. Peter's Episcopal Church- Amarillo
Clergy Deputy 

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